Real productivity.


The best task manager for Google Workspace

  • Prioritize your team tasks and workflows
  • Deep integration with Google Workspace products like Docs, Drive, and more enhances productivity
  • So easy and intuitive, your team will actually use it
" “My entire team is now on the same page with tasks, issues and priorities.”"


The Email Game

The fastest, most fun way to clear your Inbox! Stay motivated and power through your email, aided by timers and a very happy smiley face.

Revive Your Inbox

Invest 20 minutes a day for 21 days. Designed to reduce the amount of email you receive and learn to deal better with the ones that matter.

Inbox Pause

Hide all incoming emails from entering your Inbox until you are ready. You can continue to work in your Inbox without getting interrupted.

  • Context-aware.
  • Sensible defaults.
  • Persuasive software.
  • Data-Driven.
  • Respectful software.

The next revolution in productivity software will come from software that analyzes the context of what we are working on and adds value on top of it.

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